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James E Lemire MD, FAAFP, IFMCP
Board-Certified American Board of Family Practice
Certified Olympians Team Physician, American College of
Sports Medicine
Chelation Therapy, American College
for Advancement of Medicine;
International Oxidative Medicine Association; graduate of The Institute for
Functional Medicine (IFM) Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice
program. Dr Lemire is an Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) Certified
Practitioner (One of first 110 worldwide eligible to be certified)
Residency Family Practice, St. Mary’s Hospital, Grand Rapids, MI
MD Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA
BA University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
Memberships American Academy of Family Practice; American College for Advancement of Medicine; International Oxidative Medical Association.
Medical Director / Founder: Connections Community Clinic for the Homeless and Indigent 2011.
Medical Board of Advisors: Xymogen Nutraceuticals 2012.
Educator: Academy of Comprehensive Integrative Medicine (ACIM)
Student of Master Yun Xiang Tseng for 11 years.
Author: Ultimate Guide for Natural Health In The 21st Century; Co-Author Learn How the Top 20 Alternative Doctors in America Can Improve Your Health
Publications **Ray and Lemire 1995 “Liver laceration in an intercollegiate
Football player.” Journal of Athletic Training
** Krupp, Lee, Diem and Lemire 1975 “Prognostic parameters
in clinical staging criteria in Epidermoid Carcinoma of the Vulva.
“Obstetrics and Gynecology”